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OC Shingles Duration - "BROWNWOOD"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Brownwood"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "CHATEAU GREEN"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "DESERT TAN"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Desert Tan"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "DRIFTWOOD"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Driftwood"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "ESTATE GRAY"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Estate Gray"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "HARBOUR BLUE"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Harbour Blue"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5
OC Shingles Duration - "ONYX BLACK"
Owens Corning Shingles - TruDefinition Duration
Color: "Onyx Black"
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are specially formulated to provide greater contrast and dimension to any roof. Through the use of multiple granule colours and shadowing, TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles offer a truly unique and dramatic effect. The exclusive combination of colour and depth is what makes TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles like no other.
TruDefinition® Duration® Shingles are available in popular colours with bold, lively contrast and complementing shadow lines for greater dimension. They feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty (for as long as you own your home)*, 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty*, and an Algae Resistance Limited Warranty.* Beyond the outstanding curb appeal and impressive warranty coverage, they also come with the advanced performance of SureNail® Technology.
Product Specification
- Nominal Size: 13 1/4" x 39 1/4"
- Exposure: 5 5/8"
- Shingles per bundle: 21
- Coverage per bundle 33.3 sq ft
Roofing SQUARE Information
- Shingles per Square: 63
- Bundles per Square 3
- Coverage per Square ~100 sq ft
- Limited Life Time Warranty ( as long as you own your home).
- Wind Resistance (209 KM/Hour 130 MPH wind warranty - 4 nails).
- Algae Resistance Limited - 10 years.
- TruProtection Non Prorated Limited Warranty Period 10 Years.
Applicable Standards and Code (CSA, ASTM and UL ER)
- ASTM E108, Class A Fire
- ASTM D 3161, Class F Wind
- ASTM D 7158, Class H Wind
- ASTM D, Type 1
- ASTM D, 3462
- ASTN D 228
- UL 790, Class A
- CSA 123.5